

Starting at $55

Homestead Modern partners with the best massage therapists in the high desert to bring a variety of massage techniques and experiences straight to your door. Whether you’re aiming to enhance the quality of your sleep or stimulate your lymphatic system to boost immunity, the benefits of massage are endless. If you'd like to incorporate Reiki, Reflexology, or a Soundbath into your massage, just let us know and we'll schedule a session perfectly suited to your needs.

Payment will be direct to the service provider at time of service. Homestead Concierge experts will coordinate based on availability of your requested reservation.

Must be requested at least 24 hours in advance. Our vetted service providers are limited in the high desert, and most require more than 2 weeks notice. We will do our best to connect you with the best, but will provide alternatives at potentially different prices if our first choice isn’t available.

Questions or special requests? Connect with our CONCIERGE for personalized service!


Let's Goat Hike


Desert Plant Hike and Medicine Workshop